5 Ways to empower young people, young people are the future of our country. And if we empower young people we will go far as a country because young people have skills and potential to do things. And we must give young people time to share their views and opinions about the great things they are doing. Lets work together and empower young people. And give them a time to lead, lets humble ourselves and allow them to show us their potential.
Mentorship empower young people
We know that young people are strong and everything, but they still need someone who can mentor them. It can be someone who’s young like them or someone who’s older. The person who can address the issues that young people face everyday. We know they desire to create change in their communities and in their country.
Listening to them empower young people
We know is not easy to listen to young to people. But we have to give them a chance so that they will able to show us what they are caring. They have lot of ideas, they only need someone who can listen to their ideas. And its important for us to value those ideas.
Encourage them to follow their passion
You have to encourage them to follow their passion. It will help them to put more effort in whatever that they will be doing. Because they will be doing it with love. Hence they must know that sometimes people might not listen to them. Tell them that they must fight for what they believe in.
Encourage them to start now
The time is now, its never too late to start something that they believe in, whether you want to start a company, start it now. You don’t have to wait until you reach a certain age, the time is now.
Treat them with respect
We know that young people have just started to take part in the things that are happening in the society. So we have to be patient with them and guide them.
In concluding, 5 ways to empower young people, it helps them to know that they mean something in the society and their voices can be heard. And they are allowed so show their skills and potentials.